This morning there have been some lessons learned.

First Older Boy woke Middle Boy and Younger Boy up WAY TOO EARLY. He had slept in his room as a consequence for his behavior yesterday at daycare. The other two slept in the basement. He got them up at 5:45am. He knew enough not to wake me.

As a result Younger Boy is kind of a mess today. It is 10am and he has already ran from the room mad twice and had three outbursts of tears. He is SO TIRED. I talked to him a little while ago and told him I was sorry Older Boy woke him up so early, but he was probably going to need to rest today. We agreed that he would at least lay down and watch a movie if not nap.

Older Boy threw a fit about having to set the table. It's on his chore chart. He is supposed to do it before he does any "entertainment". He ended up in time out.

Middle Boy has just been watching the whole thing. At breakfast Younger Boy said "How did you learn to follow directions so good?" Interesting question. Middle Boy said "How hard is it? Say okay and do what they ask." Younger Boy seemed intrigued. It was lost on Older Boy, but Younger Boy actually asked Middle Boy to help him with it.

I'm enjoying having Middle Boy here. Obviously it changes the family dynamics, but I have noticed that Older Boy seems afraid to blow up since Middle Boy is here. From that standpoint alone it might be a nice break this weekend.

Prayers for continued relationship building and fun.

Praises for the boys generally getting along and enjoying each other's company.
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