Older Boy woke up on the obnoxious side of the bed this morning. He was singing at the top of his lungs in the hallway at 5:45am. I left my room and asked him to quit so that Younger Boy and I could get some rest.

Although he was up that early he didn’t get himself ready to go for the day. In fact, he was the last one ready for church. It was “not his fault”, because no one told him we were going to church on a Sunday.

He took his DS into the car for the ride to church…along with his breakfast. I asked him to turn off the DS and focus on eating breakfast since we were almost to church. He chose to throw the DS across the car. I asked if he threw it to which he responded “No…I tossed it.” I explained that it is the same thing and it was not respectful of my property…the car or the DS and that he wouldn’t be able to use the DS for a week. Of course “he didn’t mean to” toss it.

Prayers the mini outbursts of violent behavior start to go away. They have been increasing over the past month or so and are exhausting.
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