Older Boy has decided he doesn't want Younger Boy shutting the door when he goes in the restroom. Of course this infuriates Younger Boy.

I asked Older Boy his reasoning. He said "If he passes out in there we won't know." Really? I am the only one who thinks that is ridiculous?

When I said Younger Boy can close the door when in the restroom Older Boy started screaming "you are ALWAYS taking his side" and "this is retarded". This resulted in a timeout which took 25 minutes, because he chose to keep screaming at me and explaining how I am not fair and how I think Younger Boy is an angel.

Believe me...I am well aware that Younger Boy is NOT an angel. Younger Boy just wasn't choosing to yell at me.

Older Boy claims he "didn't mean to" yell at me. That isn't a valid reason anymore. You did. Doesn't matter if you meant to or not. You did it.

Prayers Older Boy can start to think before he reacts and starts to learn that he is controlling to Younger Boy.
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