Today we had a conference call about "the next steps" with Older Boy.

I am having trouble articulating my feelings and thoughts about the meeting. I am so thankful for Foster Care Specialist and how well she knows me and my thoughts. More than one time she stepped in and spoke for me.

Plan A is to have him transferred to a behavioral program. This seems "least likely", because of his ability to understand and follow directions. It is most likely that he will be rejected for this type of program. It is unknown what this timeframe might be.

Plan B is to get him into a developmentally delayed home with a behavior program component. This can't be done until his DD paperwork is filed with the state. I am so mad about this piece I can hardly think. It has been FOUR MONTHS since I started the paperwork and gave it to Service Coordinator, because she wanted to do it since it is HER JOB. FOUR MONTHS!! The timeframe for getting into this program is something like four to six months from now.

Plan C is to have him continue to live here and provide us with more services and a DD component. This could begin as soon as a DD evaluation is done by an agency to determine the services we need. This could be a stop gap until Plans A or B could be implemented.

Plan D is to have Older Boy move now or to have things stay as is.

Pray the right help is found for him. Pray it is done in a timely manner. Pray for all of us.
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