This morning I went to a treatment meeting at Older Boy's daycare. He goes to a behavioral center, so there are behavioral goals that were set and he is evaluated on his mastery of the goals each week. Over the last six weeks there has been a steady decline in behavior with a sharp dropoff occurring in the last couple of weeks.

This mirrors what I am seeing at home.

We talked about the strategies they are going to put in place for consequences for Older Boy. He has recently gotten in the "habit" of taking 30 minutes to get to time out and then doesn't comply when he gets there. He is causing a single staff person to need to be engaged for almost an hour for every consequence. This is the same thing he is doing at home. They are no longer going to tolerate it at the center. He will have one minute to get to timeout or he will need to do it in the quiet room. Their quiet rooms are for kiddos who are in danger of harming themselves. They can't see their peers there and they don't engage with staff. They think he will dislike this so much that he will start to comply with the "normal" timeouts again.

There really isn't anything similar I can do at home. We brainstormed, but because he has to do his timeouts in the center of the room now to stop the head banging there aren't many places he can go.

The other thing they have observed is his "witching hour". It's the time when the meds wear off. His starts between 3:30pm and 4pm. We concluded that it must be the ADHD med, because it pretty much continues all evening. I will have to talk to Psychiatrist about it at the next appointment.

No one can be sure if the "witching hour" and the behavior are linked. There are no longer any staff he clicks with more than others or anyone that he will particularly listen to.

They did give me good feedback on how I handled Older Boy's outburst when I picked him up on Friday. One of the workers said that she couldn't think of anything to do differently.

Prayers he will understand that his behavior is inappropriate and at times dangerous to himself. Pray he would begin to make good choices.
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