Tonight was a "normal" evening for us.

The chore chart is really working out for us. There is no question what anyone needs to get done on any given day. There is no question about what you need to do before you can use electronics. That doesn't mean everyone necessarily LIKES doing it, but it is working.

Older Boy needed to do his daily 20 minutes of reading for homework. He "searched" for a book for 15 minutes and couldn't find ANY in our WHOLE house. I was astounded. I am pretty sure we have them ALL OVER. At least the last time I was looking for a book we did. Then he told me he would just read the back of the book for 20 minutes. Ummm....NO. Finally after 30 minutes of messing around he sat down and got started. I nearly laughed out loud when he said "I have been reading for 50 minutes." Well...we might have started this 50 minutes ago, but you still aren't done reading.

Younger Boy read for a little while and went to bed early. Something he NEVER does. He was exhausted from the weekend. Both nights he stayed up later than usual.

Prayers for a good week at school and praises for a good weekend.
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