Please be warned. This post is not going to be nice.

Today I found out from Service Coordinator that it is possible Older Boy will not be moving to a treatment facility. The recommendation of the psychiatric hospital is NOT ENOUGH to have him receive anger management treatment. This infuriates me. What does he have to do? Why did I waste two hours of my life talking about it if now it isn't a possibility? Why aren't the right people in the room to make decisions?

I want to say...let's be honest here...the agency doesn't want to pay for the treatment he SO DESPARATELY needs. Instead they would like me to do the "best I can" until something can be done.

Now I get it. Now I get why people quit their placements.

Apparently he has to now be on a MONTHS LONG waiting list to have a psych evaluation. He had a comprehensive one last November...he had one Monday night. How many do the taxpayers need to pay for? What good will the evaluation be? I don't know.

We are now waiting for his psychiatrist to make a recommendation for him to have treatment. It has been FOUR DAYS since he was at the hospital and she isn't returning calls.

What am I supposed to do if we have another Monday night? How scared does Younger Boy need to be of him?

Don't get me wrong. I was saddened by the fact that he needed to go away. I wanted to help him, but since then I have realized I can't. I don't have the skills and there are people out there who do. I need to let them. It is in God's plan.

I think of other kiddos who can't get OUT of the facilities. There is one girl in particular. She was in a low level treatment home and since there was nowhere else for her to go when the home closed they moved her to a higher level of treatment. When is the insanity going to stop?

I am done with my ranting...I think.

Pray for the system and the kiddos in it. Somewhere along the line it stopped being about the welfare of the kiddos and started becoming a corporation.
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