Older Boy got his head shaved…BALD. He likes it. It is growing on me. He had originally asked for this haircut the last time we were there for haircuts. Due to his lack of impulse control I made him wait until the next time he got a haircut.

We talked about how if he didn’t like it he was the one who chose the cut. He couldn’t be angry at me or at the person who cut his hair. We also talked about how some people might make fun of it and that he couldn’t get mad then either, because this is something he wanted.

One thing I didn’t anticipate was how it would affect his self-soothing. His first “go to” in self-soothing was to start scratching his head. It doesn’t work the same now. I have watched him try to go to it a few times and then change to the tying and untying of shoes in frustration.

He says he loves the cut and that he is going to keep it like this FOREVER.

Praises for liking the haircut!
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