I really don't want to be a scrooge.  I really don't, but my personal feeling about fireworks are this...we may as well roll up money and light it on fire.  That is literally how much enjoyment I get out of the ones you can do at home.

Don't get me wrong...I LOVE the big, up in the sky-type fireworks.  Could watch them every evening and never get tired of them.  Those aren't the kind we would be buying or lighting though.

The boys have a differing opinion.  They think you can NEVER have enough fireworks...NEVER.  I thought we were going to have our own explosion when I said I was willing to pay $5 each for them to get fireworks and the rest was on them.

I also said under no circumstance would they light them if I was no outside and right there and if they didn't the directions I gave as they relate to fireworks there would be no more fireworks this year or ever.

Did you know EVERYONE lights fireworks and I am ridiculous?  EVERYONE...not just some people or a lot of people, but EVERYONE.

I'm hoping for a happy fourth!!
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