This post isn't intended to be a woe is me type post.  It is just me thinking through the next few weeks and what needs to be done and when.  It's the highlights of our lives right now...the chaos with little calm.  We might all three just collapse when this is done:

July 7 - Class, Middle Boy therapy, Grandma and Grandpa here.
July 8 - Open House
July 10 - Grandpa's (my dad) surgery, Younger Boy therapy, Middle Boy family team meeting, Middle Boy probation monthly visit
July 11 - Younger Boy family team meeting, Younger Boy baseball.
July 17 - Younger Boy baseball.
July 18 - Younger Boy baseball.
July 12 - 15 - Girls TRAC camp.  I'm in charge of activity centers.
July 19 - 22 - Boys TRAC camp.  I'm in charge of activity centers.
July 25 - Younger Boy baseball.
July 26 - Middle Boy therapy.
July 27 - Close on new house.
July 28 - Middle Boy therapy.
July 31 - Younger Boy foster care review hearing.
August 1 - Younger Boy baseball.
August 2 - Middle Bot therapy.
August 4 - Move to new house, Younger Boy baseball, Middle Boy therapy.
August 6 - Adoption Home Study revisions.
August 7 - Middle Boy family team meeting.
August 8 - Middle Boy school registration/open house.
August 9 - Middle Boy therapy.
August 11 - Middle Boy therapy.
August 16 - Middle Boy foster care review hearing, Younger Boy school registration/open house, Middle Boy therapy
August 18 - Middle Boy therapy.
August 20 - First Day of School.

This is just the stuff on weekends and evenings.  YIKES!!  Maybe I shouldn't have done this.

In my spare time I will be working full time (plus) and  packing up the house for the move!!

Prayers for sanity for me and to remain as stress-free as possible.
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