Before the boys moved in I did some travel for work.  Not a lot of travel, but some kind of cool travel.

In January of 2011 I went here.  The Marshall Islands are beautiful and primative.  When I say primitive I am talking intermittant running water and electricity.

There is another trip coming up for the same project.  We were supposed to go six months ago, but they had an outbreak of jungle fever and travel in and out were limited.

I had to look for a replacement to take the trip this time.  Not because of the boys, but because of our move.  That and the fact that I have no idea when our adoption hearings are going to be.  I figure it wouldn't look very good to be absent at the adoption hearing of one of the boys.

I am surprised that I am a little bit sad about not making the trip. 

Maybe I can get myself assigned to a project in Beijing or Abu Dhabi!!

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