Today I learned something new.  I learned in our community even if there is no bus for your child that the school district offers there is such thing as a "parent paid bus" through the same company who provides transportation for the school district.

When I looked at the price it doesn't seem horribly unreasonable.  I could take both boys to school each day, but the round trip bus was only $50 more per year than the one way bus.  I figured it was worth it.  That way I can go to work early and get home theory!!

Of course there is a catch.  There have to be at least 40 kids wanting a parent paid bus to that particular school.  I am hoping that will be the case.  Unfortunately we won't know until the end of the month when the paperwork is due. 

I am going to be hopeful this will work out.  In fact...I am going to expect it will!
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