I had a meeting today about foster care at church.  There is a small focus group meeting.

We talked about what each of our passions is in the foster care area.

One of the attenders talked about Safe Families.  They are church-based and step in to help out families before the children are removed from the home.  Their mission sounds AMAZING to me considering our state pulls kids from the home sooner and the kids stay in the system longer.  If they could stay out of the system all together that is a win for EVERYONE.

When I started this journey my passion was simply just the orphan foster child in general.  I think now it is more the permanency of older kids.  Somewhere they can find a family so no one EVER ages out of the system.

We are going to touch base every quarter or so and see if there is something we can do.

It is encouraging.

I have been thinking about the permanency thing for a while now.  There were (and still are) a million reasons why I shouldn't be a mom, but there is one eternal reason why.  I chose that.

Prayers for all foster kids, foster parents and the hearts of those who are considering fostering or adoption or maybe don't even know yet they are considering it!
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