Middle Boy had a day of lows, highs, and lows.

I knew leaving court that he was disappointed to not be coming home today.  I knew that as soon as he heard that he didn't hear anything else that was said in the courtroom.  He thinks the judge just completely dismissed the fact that people were recommending him to come home.  He also things the judge isn't planning to rule until some time in February.

He is convinced he is going out of state and in his words, "why don't they just send me to the penitentiary, because I am going to give up?"  I explained that even if he goes out of state for treatment at the conclusion he is coming back TO MY HOUSE.

I explained what was said in court AFTER he stopped listening and how it looks hopeful for a release this week.  I explained that while we just need to keep praying about it we could still find ourselves apart at Christmas.  This brought the comment, "This was going to be my first Christmas I can remember where someone actually loved me."  That crushed my heart.

Our last converstaion tonight had him back on a low, because he just wants to come home.

Prayers for peace.  Prayers for the ruling to actually be made on Thursday...EARLY.  Prayers for his heart.
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