Therapist A came over tonight for family therapy with Middle Boy and me.

We need to work through some things and she is usually pretty helpful. The biggest things we need to start working on are what to do after school and what to do during the summer. At this time it isn't clear if he is able to be home for any length of time unattended legally. I am also unsure if he is ready for it emotionally right now.

Since he has been home from the juvenile center he wants to spend a significant amount of his time with me and needs a lot of reassurance that I am not going anywhere.

We talked through some potential options for him and he is going to also think about the types of things he is interested in doing. In the past he hasn't had much input and tends to shut down when decisions about him need to be made.

Praises for the help of Therapist A. She is one of our strongest advocates and has become an amazing friend.
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