If you continually take things that aren't yours without asking and either hiding them, losing them, or just keeping them you are guilty of theft.

This is what is happening multiple times a day with Younger Boy.  He is taking things at school, daycare, and home.  I have caught him on multiple occassions taking things that are Middle Boy's and putting them in his dresser drawer.  Tonight we are going to clean out closets and drawers and write a letter to Middle Boy apologizing for taking his things.

Younger Boy told me it is "jacked up" that he has to ask about using Middle Boy's stuff.

The only thing Younger Boy seems to care about right now is if he can't watch cartoons on Netflix.  We have racked up so many consequences lately that I cancelled Netflix tonight.  I'm sure it will cause an outburst tomorrow.

Prayers for better behavior. 
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