Younger Boy doesn't follow directions...EVER.  I have heard that you should ask a child to do things once and then expect them to do it.  I have tried that.  If that is the case Younger Boy would not eat, do homework, shower, or go to bed.

I have started timing how long it takes to follow a direction.  He admits to Therapist J that he doesn't follow directions and he isn't trying.  Therapist J explained last week that not following directions is disrespectful and purposely not trying to follow them is also disrespectful and that he is constantly choosing that.

It isn't like I am even asking him to do what the average 11 year old person has to help out with.  He is spoiled...we have a cleaning person and a laundry person.  He honestly doesn't have to do much around the house.

I would welcome any sort of suggestions to get him to follow any kind of directions.

Pray for me to have wisdom.
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