I spent the better part of he morning talking to a friend about my frustrations regarding relationships for the boys. My expectation for those relationships is that those people would respect me and my wishes as a parent. I wouldn't speak poorly of someone's mother to their kids.

K pointed out that I made a choice to be a single parent and people will judge that and look at what they think the boys are missing. K did keep me from making a call and screaming "You aren't talking to the boys...ever again!"

Do they have earthly fathers? Technically...yes. Biological had rights terminstead and the other relinquished. Will they have one in this home? Hard to say...only God knows. Do they have a heavenly father who loves them and protects them? Absolutely. Do they know Him? Absolutely and we continue to build that relationship EVERYDAY!!

More prayer required on what to do. I want to set a good example of how to deal with frustration in a respectful constructive way.

Pray for wisdom. Pray for discernment.
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