Younger Boy and I wrapped gifts for our adopted family from the shelter.  He wanted to learn to wrap gifts and was having a great time writing on the labels and being in charge of taping all the packages.

It was a nice time.  We haven't had that in a while.  Most of our time together has been filled with him being angry and me being frustrated. 

We are going to move our tree into the house tomorrow night and decorate it on Tuesday night.  All of the decorations are in the house now.  We are ready to hang the stockings. 

I got an email from Foster Care Specialist that she has ANOTHER carload of gifts for us from the agency.  I tried to get her to keep them,  We don't need them.  We didn't need the first set.  We will donate these.

This holiday has been so hard for me to get into the spirit of the season.  Joy hasn't really been my strong suit.  Tonight...wrapping the gifts and watching a Christmas movie with Younger Boy...finally I felt like celebrating Christmas.
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