Guardian ad Litem came to meet with Younger Boy tonight. This is the first time a GAL has been in our home in the entire time I have been doing foster care. It is my understanding that the GAL should be in the home no less than once every six month for each kiddo. By now we should have had at least four visits. Granted...I am not complaining. We have so many people in and out of our house that we should start charging admission.

GAL had a good talk with Younger Boy. Younger Boy set him up for an interesting conversation, because he said "are you planning to spend two to three hours with me?". It certainly made GAL squirm. I have no idea where the question came from.

There were two things that Younger Boy said during the discussion that interested me. One is he told GAL that all he wants in the whole entire world is to be adopted, but that his behavior is preventing him EVER getting adopted. The second was that he feels bad, because he loves Middle Boy more than Older Boy.

GAL ended up staying about an hour. Younger Boy likes him. GAL gave Younger Boy a business card and said "I work for you so call me if you need anything." Should be interesting if he decides to call!!

Praises for a good meeting with Younger Boy.
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