Tonight two contracts were created at our home based on the recommendation of our professional team. The first contract has to do with grades. It might seem a bit harsh, but both boys are MORE THAN CAPABLE of being straight A students.

Here is the contract for quarterly grades:

A = $20
B = $10
C = 0
D = -$10
F = -$20

As a result each boy could potentially earn $160 per quarter. I'm okay with that, because we are using the 10/10/80 approach to money. I'll just have to come up with rules about smart spending.

The other contract was between Middle Boy and me and is a result of something he wants vs. needs. He made a pitch for what he wanted that followed with the associated rules and consequences:

1. His bedtime will be 10pm unless he receives special permission from me. Each time he is not in bed at 10pm he will go to bed at 9pm for the next following WEEK.
2. He is allowed three disrespectful comments per day. I will give warnings and on the fourth comment he will lose the use of his cell phone for two days.
3. He will maintain a B average or else he will not use the computer during the week for anything other than school work.
4. If he does not abide by the contract the new item will become my property until he has abided by the terms of the contract for 14 consecutive days.

He REALLY wants the item he asked for. Is the proposal crazy? Yes. Am I going to do it? I think so, because he really wants to be responsible and accountable.

Prayers for these contracts and follow through.
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