Tonight the boys asked when they would be adopted.  This is the first sign I have really seen where they actually have hope of this happening.

With Younger Boy it is a little bit up in the air.  Right now there is discussion about him potentially going to a group home for a while to learn anger management, respect, and accountability.  Traditional therapy doesn't seem to be helping him, because he is stubborn and won't work with a therapist.  He openly admits he isn't trying to do anything Therapist J works on with him.

I have mixed feeling about this.  If I look at it objectively I can honestly say I think a reputable program with a history of success would help him greatly.  I am worried about the family dynamic during that time.  When I am objective I also think ultimately this is what is going to need to happen for him.  His hurts and wounds are so deep.  I wonder if sooner rather than later would give him a better chance of success in life.

If there is no group home that comes into the picture then adoption could be as soon as the end of May for Younger Boy.

With Middle Boy it is a little bit more clear cut.  We will file his documentation on June 21st...the first possible day to file since he has to be in my home for six consecutive months.  What I realized when we were talking about it is that his adoption could potentially take place exactly one year from the day I first met Middle Boy.  That would be a really cool thing.  He told me that he has known me longer in his heart.  He just feels it.

Praises for possibilities.  Prayers for wisdom about the right thing for Younger Boy and that the right people would be involved in the decision making process.
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