Tonight we dropped Middle Boy off at therapy so Younger Boy and I had an hour to kill.

I decided we would just do our grocery shopping, because if we are going to have this block of time every single week we can stay caught up and it won't take long.

I told Younger Boy going in if he stayed with me in the grocery section of the store that he could get whatever snack he would like at the end of our trip.

We were nearing the end of our time at the store. I told him to go and pick his snack in the next aisle while I grabbed a couple of last things and come right back.
He wasn't there when I went around the corner. I circled the grocery section three times. I then circled the entire store three times and was unable to locate him. From there I went to customer service to have him paged. They paged him twice at 10 minute intervals.

By this time we are 30 minutes late to pick up Middle Boy.

When Younger Boy didn't answer the second page they did a code for an abducted child and called 911. It took about 10 additional minutes to locate Younger Boy in the electronics department.

He told the security person he didn't hear them page him "either time". did he know he was paged? How did he know it was more than once?

Immediately upon rejoining me he began screaming and kicking and punching. Security had to help get him in the car where he tried to jump out and was banging his head on the window. He threw his body into the seat and opened his door on multiple occassions while the vehicle was moving.

We picked up Middle Boy and drove immediately to the psychiatric emergency room, because Younger Boy's anger was continuing to escalate. He was still screaming by the time we got into the emergency room. As soon as his intake bracelet was on he laid down on the floor and kicked and sobbed for about 30 minutes.

The psychiatric hospital did not hold him, because he isn't a danger to self or others.

His take on the whole thing is that if he just had his cell phone this never would have happened, thus shifting all of the blame to me.

Younger Boy is grounded for one week for his behavior.

I guess my lesson is that I shouldn't allow him to pick out a snack.

Prayers he can learn that this behavior is unacceptable.
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