The boys were a HUGE help tonight.  We have EIGHT DAYS until the house goes on the market so we are pretty frantically boxing and purging and giving things to the homeless mission.

I think there are 14 large garbage bags of clothes and shoes headed to the mission on Saturday.  We haven't started in the garage.  We'll work on that this weekend.

Over time somehow all of the stuff the boys didn't want INCLUDING AN EXTRA TWIN BED had ended up in the master bedroom.  Tonight when we got it all cleaned out Middle Boy proclaimed "this room is huge".  He also said "how come I didn't know it?"  Hmm...because you two loaded it with your JUNK.

Now it is cleaned out.  The boys were so excited about the space.  Since our house is in complete disarray they asked if they could slumber party on the newly found floor space in my room.  They played chess.  At least a couple of games while I read for a while.  I turned off the light and they played one more game by flashlight.

I love that they can play nicely together and that they were playing CHESS.

Praises for their help and their minds and their attitudes.
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