Tonight it was hot out.  Younger Boy had a baseball game at 6pm.

The team is generally speaking slightly less than focused.  The heat didn't really help the situation.  I think there might also be too many kids on the team, because at any given time when they take the field there are still six kids on the bench.

Tonight Middle Boy and I were sitting near the bench.  We could hear what was going on the dugout.  The following were the topics of discussion:
  1. How hot would it have to be for the world to end?
  2. How big is a South American cock roach?
  3. What would happen if the world ended?
  4. Who was supposed to bring treats tonight?  What are they?
  5. How hard to do you have to kick someone in the "nut cup" to make it hurt?
  6. Can someone go get them some sunflower seeds?
Different combinations of boys brought entirely different conversations.  Not a lot of focus on what was happening on the field.

They did end up winning 15 to 2.
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