Middle Boy was on a rampage tonight partially because he wasn't getting his way.

We were in the car driving to baseball and he was having a meltdown.  No other way to describe it.

He was screaming at me about not being polite.  Every time I would start to say something he would scream about how I wasn't even respectful enough to not interrupt him.  When I would be quiet he would accuse me of ignoring him.  He screamed about how I am NEVER accountable for anything and how I am provoking this behavior.  He called me a b****.  He said I was never meant to be a mother and I was just trying to fool everyone.  He said he has never felt this unloved in his whole life and he thinks I treat him like he is a game.

The entire time I just kept a calm voice and kept saying "help me understand what you need".  He kept saying he needs me to be accountable for my HORRIBLE actions.  I asked him what that looks like to him and he said that it involved listening.  Then when I told him I had heard everything he told me he screamed about how I didn't care.

He kept screaming he was sure I thought I was being emotionally and verbally abused.  He screamed about how all I have ever wanted was to break him down and completely throw him away.

We got to the game and I told him he could choose to calm down and go to the game or just take a minute to regroup.  He told me he didn't want to see my face again...ever. 

I got out of the car and went to the game.  About 15 minutes later he came and told me I need to make a decision about whether or not I want him to live with me in the next 10 minutes or else.  I asked what the or else was and he broke down and cried.

Here's the thing.  As much as it SUCKS to be under his nightly attack I still can't imagine being him.  He is on this emotional roller coaster and can't seem to stop the ride.

Pray we can get through this.  It is exhausting for everyone.
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