Younger Boy has been texting and calling his older biological sister.  She lives out of state with Younger Boy's biological parents.  It is a complicated story.

Anyway...before Younger Boy was able to talk to Older Sister I talked to both her and their biological mom about the rules surrounding communication.  He was not under any circumstances to talk to biological mom on the phone or through text.  She relinquished her rights years ago and is to not have contact with him.

On Friday afternoon biological mom called him.  She didn't have Older Sister call or anything...she just called.

Younger Boy told me about it this evening.  I had the heartbreaking job of telling him he won't be able to talk to Older Sister anymore except for on my phone and it has to be on speaker.  I blocked her phone number from being able to call or text his phone.

He doesn't understand.  In his mind since his dad was the "abusive one" there should be no reason he can't talk to his mom.  He doesn't understand that "failure to protect" is also a form of neglect.

It stinks that it had to come to this.  It stinks there have to be rules about talking to his sister.  It stinks that I was the one who had to tell him.

He cried until he was sobbing...sobbing.  He was SO SAD.  I tried to explain that it was really unlucky his mom made a bad choice and he was having to suffer the consequences.

Prayers for family and future choices.
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