Coordinating between daycare and foster care can sometimes be a nightmare.  It seems to me during the summer every daycare has activity fees for field trips and other things.  The state pays for those activity fees, because they pay for daycare.  However...they pay them very SLOWLY. we are at the beginning of July and Younger Boy's activity fee authorization hasn't gone through yet.  We started the process in late April, but that is beside the point.

What does daycare do?  They tell YOUNGER BOY he can't go on the field trip tomorrow unless he brings money or the authorization.  Really?  You think Younger Boy can make it happen?  He is a victim of the entire system.  Honestly though...all he cares about is going on the field trip.  He's upset, because they told him he might not be able to.

I wrote a note for him to take to daycare with him in the morning.  If the fee needs to be his worker.  You have the information and you know he is a ward of the state.  I can't do anything about it.  I am a pawn in the game when it comes to daycare.  I'm done covering for the state, because it is nearly impossible to get them to pay for things or get refunds for things.

Speaking of refunds...after my battle with the state regarding the summer care for Middle Boy they finally decided to pay....after I made the deposit at the YMCA.  Now it is up to me to get the $300 back from the YMCA.  I have called the director of the summer program numerous times.  She tells me each time she will get back to me.  I'm done waiting.  This morning I am calling the director of the YMCA.

Prayers for activity fees to be straightened out before school starts this fall and we don't need them anymore.
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