Tonight Therapist L asked if she could talk to me for a minute before Middle Boy's therapy.  It felt a little bit like being called into the principal's office.

She wanted me to be aware of some things going on with the state and her clients had been receiving letters.  She was curious if we had received one.  It seems the department has created a "list" of kids who were court ordered to receive ANY type of therapy program resulting from an offense.  What is even more disturbing is this list includes kids who have had their records sealed.  They are getting letters from the state telling them they are on this list and they have to provide proof of therapy to get off the list.

Therapist L is calling everyone she can think of to find out what on earth is going on.  She talked to the state's attorney yesterday regarding the legality of the list.

She just wanted to keep the caregivers of all of her clients in the loop since the majority of them were court ordered to her various programs.

I'm thankful for the information, because if we would have gotten the letter I would have come unglued.  I am going to let everyone on Middle Boy's case know.  His GAL is a pit bull and I know she will NOT be happy this list exists.

Praises for a Therapist who helps her clients and makes sure they don't become victims of a bureaucracy.  Prayers this will be handled for all kids who needed theraupeutic programs.
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