The entire time we were buying fireworks and talking about fireworks and all the way up until it was time to light the fireworks Middle Boy was talking a tough game.  He was talking about how in his past foster homes he was allowed to hold fireworks in his hand and then throw them at the last second.  Younger Boy talked about the same thing.  They both talked about holding smoke balls until they burned out.

When it came time to actually light the fireworks I was a little bit surprised that in all reality Middle Boy is TERRIFIED of fireworks.  It freaks him out to light them and he can't get away fast enough.  Younger Boy also has a healthy fear of them.

They lit one that flew toward the house because of the wind and they both started screaming. 

We didn't stay outside for long with the fireworks.  Just long enough to do a few and then honestly the boys were done.

Praises for the boys staying safe and listening to my directions while they were lighting fireworks.  Praises for a healthy fear of fire and explosives.
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