After our meeting together the director of my office also met with the leaders of two agencies regarding foster care and child welfare in order to gather more information.

At the culmination of all of these meetings he wrote a letter with his findings and recommendations.  He is well qualified to speak on these topics himself as he used to be on the board of multiple group housing agencies in the state which are now defunct.  He is also currently on the board of Voices for Children.

When I read his letter there were things in it I was completely unaware of.  Most of the things had to do with the availability of mental health services to all wards of the state and also the continuation of services for children who age out of the foster care system here in the state.  There are currently no services for kids who don't have permanency and age out at 19 until they are 21 and can receive the services adults receive.  At the current time no one is tracking this demographic of kiddos.  What a disservice to them.

There are two non-profits trying to bridge the gap...Branching Out and Project Everlast.  I was vaguely aware of both organizations, but don't know a lot about them.

These kids...these wards of the state are orphans...the least of these.

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:  to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. - James 1:27 (NIV)

I am praying about being a part of the meeting with the governor.  I was invited.  There is a part of me wanting to be a part of this.  Wanting to perhaps be an agent of change.  Wondering if this is where God wants me.  The other part of me is fearful.   Fearful of retribution from the state before the boys are adopted.  Fearful of being in over my head. 

Pray with me about this opportunity.  I need wisdom and direction.
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