Today was Older Boy's psychiatric evaluation.

We met with Psychiatrist for about 90 minutes.  Actually I met with Psychiatrist for 90 minutes.  Older Boy was there for the first 60 minutes or so and then went out to a play area, so Psychiatrist and I could talk without disruption.

Psychiatrist said she thinks Older Boy has significantly regressed in behaviors in the last four months.  That is about the time when I started seeing the decline in behaviors at home.

She went over her thoughts for her final report that will be turned in to court to see if I objected to anything she was thinking and to see if I had additional information on any of the items.

Her first recommendation was that he needs to be in a residential care facility for DD people.  She asked what my thoughts were on his having a 24/7 staff person versus being able to stay in a dorm like setting at night.  I explained that while he sleeps very hard he is terrified of the dark and my experiences with him waking during the night are really limited, because he sleeps extremely hard.

She named four facilities.  Her first choice is Poppleton House.  I tried to do some research about it online, but didn't find much.  The other three facilities I was familiar with.

She thinks he will need to be in the facility for four to six months at a minimum for intense enhanced behavioral training.  Before he leaves there she wants him to, at a minimum, be able to:  maintain proper boundaries, sit still in a chair for five minutes, not make inappropriate noises at random times, and stop continual pacing.  My experience is that all of those behaviors have been escalating.

Psychiatrist talked to him about moving out of my house.  He truly acted as though this was the first time he had ever heard it.  Judge talked to him about it at court.  I have talked to him about it.  Foster Care Specialist has talked to him about it and Therapist has talked to him about it.  Psychiatrist thinks he might be blanking it out, because he can't process it emotionally.

She is also recommending he no longer be placed in the same home as his brother for a myriad of reasons.  A big portion of it is the bullying and control Older Boy exhibits when Younger Boy is around.

Psychatrist had him leave the room so she could talk directly to me.  She said she feels she needs to put in her report that Older Boy needs a two parent home without any other children.  She said that with each visit she can see how I am more and more drained.  She asked why I haven't given notice yet.  She went on to tell me that if it drags out for a long time I need to put in my notice in order to have anything left to give the two other kids in my house and myself.

I left the office completely drained.  Older Boy's behavior while we were there was exhausting.  The message she gave me was exhausting yet a relief all at the same time.  I'm a little conflicted about how I feel about the whole thing.  What I am coming to realize is that it isn't about me and how I feel about it.  It is about what is best for these boys...all three of them.

Prayers for emotional energy.  Prayers for understanding and peace.
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