What a breath of fresh air....Older Boy's Therapist J is AMAZING!!  After just meeting with him one time I can already tell this is going to be so very much better than the last therapist.

Older Boy started out semi-cooperative during therapy.  He completely disengaged for a while and Therapist J was able to "bring him back".

Older Boy also got in a screaming match with Younger Boy in their room when he was supposed to be in therapy.  Therapist J went in their room and managed it.  He started by telling Older Boy he should have been at an appointment and not in their room in the first place and that swearing under any circumstance is not acceptable.  I listened to Older Boy yell at Therapist J for a while and Therapist J just kept explaining.  In many ways he works with Older Boy in a similar way to what I do. 

Prayers that a relationship can be formed between the two of them and there is real progress in his behavior.

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