I invited Mentor R and his wife over tonight to talk to Younger Boy about the transition.  I wanted him to know he had more people supporting him than just me and that we all understood.  I also didn't want him to think he had to retell the story to Mentor R, because he might not be willing to do that.

Younger Boy decided to read exerpts of his letter to Mentor R.  When he got done we talked to him about it.  It was pretty evident he was stressed out about the whole thing, because he was laying on the couch with his face covered up.  I asked him if it was making him nervous and he said yes.  We just kind of let if be quiet for a few minutes.  He broke the silence by saying "my head and my heart are feeling different things".  He said "my head wants him to go and my heart wants him to stay".

Mentor R held him and hugged him while he cried.  It was good to see the bond between the two of them.  They talked about how God is bigger than all of us and while we might not understand the plan God has one.  We all talked about how much better Older Boy would be if he could get the help he needs.

Praises for support systems and relationships.

Prayers for continued understanding and healing hearts.
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