This morning Middle Boy's team met to figure out a plan to present to Judge if we are able to get a detainment review. 

Here's what we are waiting for:

Public Defender has to file a motion to decline the appointment.  Once this has been filed it goes to Judge.  From there Judge selects a private attorney for Middle Boy and puts it in a court order.  This happens in a timely manner IF Judge is in next week.  There is no way of finding that out though.

Here's the plan:

We are going to have Middle Boy request a detainment review be held and that it be concurrent with the arraignment.  He has to request this of his attorney.

Judge does detainment reviews on Thursdays.  So optimistically we are probably looking at December 1st at the soonest, because of the Thanksgiving holiday.  He would be really happy about that, because he tells me every day he wishes he could get home for my birthday which just happens to be December 2nd.

He also needs to request an evaluation with a local abuse interview agency and a psychiatric evaluation.  We want him to request these so that they can be in motion so it doesn't drag out at the point of the arraignment.  If we look like we are on top of things it will help the case.

We also have plans for what he will be doing after school each day, how respite will be handled, how many times a week he will have therapy, and what we will do if he needs to do electronic monitoring.  We also have plans for weekend care.

The team is working really hard to get Middle Boy out of the juvenile center.  What is the likelihood...who knows?

Therapist A and I are going to work with him on the things he needs to request and how he needs to open up.  Traditionally he does not open up about anything.  He has done better with me than in the past, but we have a really long way to go.

Praise for an amazing team of people who love Middle Boy and want what is best for him.

Prayers that the attorney will be assigned soon and that the process will move quickly from there.
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