Today Grandpa and Grandma are coming to visit.  Younger Boy and I were talking about it as we were getting ready to leave this morning.  I like to remind him of what is going on in his day so that he doesn't get caught by surprise.  He doesn't handle being surprised very well.

We talked about how he would have tutoring after school and then therapy.  After therapy Grandpa and Grandma would be at our house.

Younger Boy said "Grandpa and Grandma are the best grandparents I ever had and I haven't even known them that long."  Then he asked how long I have known them.  When I said my whole entire life he was surprised.  I explained that I was never in foster care and they are my biological parents so they were actually there the day I was born.  He said "So, like your whole life?  Cool."

It occurred to me that he doesn't currently have ANYONE in his daily life who has known him his whole life.  It made me a little bit sad.

He is completely surrounded by love now though. 

Praises for perspective.  It certainly increases my thankfulness for my own family.
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