Tonight when we got home the boys had two options of activities.  Finish their homework or go to bed.  If your homework wasn't done then your option had been pre-selected by your behavior earlier in the day.  If your homework was done then your option was selected as well.

We had trouble with the options.  Middle Boy still had a TON of homework.  He hadn't done ANY earlier and kept preaching to me about how it was going to be midnight when he got done.  When I subtracted all of the time he wasted in the last two days (he is on block schedule) he could have been done BEFORE youth group.

The part that is super frustrating is that he wants me to help him, but he doesn't.  He begrudgingly acknowledges he needs help, but doesn't ask.  He just screams things like "I'm too dumb to do this" and "This is bullcrap".

All of the self put downs really get on my nerves.  So does all of the negative attitude.  Add to it that I am tired and ready for bed myself and honestly it can get ugly.

How do I motivate him to do things after school and stop wasting so much time?  Prayers for wisdom.
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