Now it looks like our option is to have Older Boy go to a behavior home for kids…not a residential DD home for behavioral kids. We are going to keep trying and Foster Care Specialist is working through all avenues to make it happen, but we don’t have a lot going for us in this one right now. Our DD paperwork hasn’t been filed with the state yet. (Don’t get me started on this!!)

Service Coordinator is working toward getting the recommendation from Psychiatrist. “The Money” won’t even start doing a bed search until this happens. They also want the psych evaluation…ours aren’t “current enough” and they want to do their own. I hate that this is stuck in bureaucracy. I am a “get it done” kind of person. So is Foster Care Specialist. Service Coordinator…not so much!

One good thing might come out of this…Service Coordinator is likely going to be court ordered to do the DD paperwork in September.
As a friend pointed out to me yesterday…”We have to trust that God is in control. No one can force something against His Sovereign hand. So we wait to see what He will do.”

Thanks for your prayers for Older Boy, Younger Boy and me. For a while I have wondered if I am supposed to be DOING SOMETHING about the system instead of just being a part of it. Pray that I seek God’s will in His plans for me.
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