There is something that happened yesterday at Middle Boy's family team meeting bugging me.

One of the questions on his life skills assessment was...Name two people you could count on if you needed something.

He couldn't think of any.  Not a single one.  I wish he would have been joking, but sadly he wasn't.

Does this hurt?  A little bit.  He just still doesn't trust I will be there for him no matter what. 

Studies would tell you kiddos with reactive attachment disorder will trust their caregiver the least, because this is the person who has let them down the most.  Maybe not their current caregiver, but certainly the caregiver and all of them get "lumped" together in their heads.

I can list twenty people who would help him in a moments notice and I am not even trying very hard to think of them.

Can he get there?  Can he get to a place where he understands there are people who love and care for him and he isn't alone in this world?  I don't know.  Every day I will show him he can count on me....whether he realizes it or not.
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