
This is a photo of me...this is what I am doing in regard to the possible placement.  I am pretending it doesn't exist.  I am pretending no decision needs to be made.  I am pretending there are no conversations which need to happen.  I am pretending there is nothing to talk about.

Yesterday I was torn without much information about the child.  Today I have a TON of information and I am even more torn.  Here's my problem...I CAN help this child.  I have the skill set and the understanding of behaviors to make a difference.  His situation is heart wrenching.  Completely heart wrenching.

Here are the questions I need to ask God...
  1. Is this what you want from me?
  2. Is this boy a good fit in my home?
  3. Can I make a difference?
  4. Would my heart be able to let him go at the end of the "temporary" placement?
  5. Is this the right thing for the two boys he has already entrusted in my care?
  6. What is it about this that scares me?
  7. What is it that makes me even think this is remotely a good idea?
  8. Am I crazy?
  9. What behaviors might I get from my two?
So many questions...and I am just waiting for a whisper...or a SHOUT...anything from God on this.  Maybe it would be easier to hear if I didn't have my head buried in the sand, but for now I like it here.

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