Both boys want to do a weight loss program.

Younger Boy doesn't really have any weight to lose.  I think he weighs just under 90 pounds.

According to his doctor Middle Boy could lose up to 30 pounds for his height.  Tonight he decided he wants to do that.

Of course since everything in our home is an emergency Middle Boy didn't see why the 30 pounds couldn't be lost before homecoming on September 22....this year.

I explained that it is the safest to lose 1 or 2 pounds a week.  When calculated that will take almost all school year.  In Middle Boy's mind that is just ridiculous.

We talked about healthy eating, exercise, and drinking water.  He currently drinks about 8 ounces of water per  He only drinks it, because he has a med which must be taken with water.  When I told him he needed a MINIMUM of 64 ounces per day he thought it would be a good idea to drink it at 8:30PM this evening.  Luckily I was able to stop it so he wasn't up in the bathroom the entire night.

He doesn't want to go to the gym, because there are other people there.  He would rather I buy all of the gym equipment a gym has and put it in our basement.  Not going to happen.

He asked me to go through the school lunch menu with him so he could make the "best choices".  Turns out he doesn't like any of those so he'll just have "whatever".

Luckily their "programs" never last very long so by the end of the week we will be able to stop discussing this and we'll be on to something else.

Prayers for health for all of us.  At this point that is the best we can do.
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