Tonight before bed we sat on my bed and prayed for the upcoming school year and thanked God for our summer.

Younger Boy wanted to start the prayer and he prayed for a lot of things.  It was really sweet.

In the middle of my prayer Sophie attacked Middle Boy so we had to take a brief break to get her settled down.

My prayer for this school year is that the boys would believe they can handle it.  Really believe it.  They are both smart boys.  They can do the work that is asked of them.  They just need a little self confidence.  I pray they will bring the work home and trust that I will help them.  I pray they will be safe in their extracurricular activities.  I pray they will make wise choices in friends.  I pray they will feel comfortable and like they belong in their schools.  I pray they will see the joy in learning.  I pray they will trust their teachers enough to ask for help. 

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