There is a direct correlation between the days when Younger Boy chooses to not take his morning medication and the types of choices he makes.
Today it was bad choice after bad choice.
When you repeatedly do the same thing over and over and get into trouble EVERY time saying you're sorry doesn't hold much weight. The only thing you could possibly be sorry for is that you were caught. You are obviously not sorry for the behavior, because you have continued to repeat it. At that point in my mind apologizing is like openly lying to me.
We had this scenario on three separate occasions this evening with three different behaviors. There were privileges lost. We discussed consequences. We talked about how this happens every time he doesn't take his morning meds even though they are sitting right next to him at breakfast and he has been reminded.
Prayers for understanding of the correlation and better choices to be made.
Today it was bad choice after bad choice.
When you repeatedly do the same thing over and over and get into trouble EVERY time saying you're sorry doesn't hold much weight. The only thing you could possibly be sorry for is that you were caught. You are obviously not sorry for the behavior, because you have continued to repeat it. At that point in my mind apologizing is like openly lying to me.
We had this scenario on three separate occasions this evening with three different behaviors. There were privileges lost. We discussed consequences. We talked about how this happens every time he doesn't take his morning meds even though they are sitting right next to him at breakfast and he has been reminded.
Prayers for understanding of the correlation and better choices to be made.
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