Judge T went along with every recommendation made by Probation Officer.  That means we will be rid of the electronic monitor and tracking by the end of the day tomorrow for sure.

Everyone I talked to said the hearing went very quickly so as to give M as little information as possible. 

None of the recommendations were read aloud.  The adoption will go forward as planned since they are two completely individual cases.  Everyone was careful not to say the adoption date aloud so M would not be able to attend, but someone didn't catch on and the adoption date was given.  Not the time...just the date.

I pray she will not come to the adoption hearing and ruin this special day for him.  Without a restraining order she can't be banned from the hearing since all court is public record and we don't really want a closed adoption hearing.  We could go that route if we have a concern, but we have friends and family we would like to include in court. 

As it gets closer we are just going to have to figure out what is best for Middle Boy.

As many times as I have been frustrated by the court system, I am so thankful for them today for protecting the mental health of Middle Boy.

Praises for the system and those who work in it who treat people like people.  I can't say enough about Attorney, Judge T, Probation Officer, CASA, Tracker, Service Coordinator, and Foster Care Specialist today.  Thank you God for allowing us to have this team if this was the situation we needed to be in.
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