During the whole "math thing" with Middle Boy, Younger Boy was clamouring for attention. 

His behaviors have declined over the past few weeks and he shows many signs of being toddler like.

He pulled out some homework.  He wanted my undivided attention to help him.  He didn't know what he was supposed to do.

It was past his bedtime.  There wasn't homework listed in his agenda for tomorrow.  This homework is due NEXT THURSDAY.

What he wanted was for me to pay attention to him.  When I told him I would love to help him, but Middle Boy's homework was due tomorrow he ripped up the paper and stormed out of the room crying and screaming he'll just go to bed.

I went in and told him I loved him and kissed him goodnight.  Tomorrow I'll email the IEP holder to see if she can put another worksheet in his bag.

Prayers for behaviors and understanding on all of our parts.
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