Tonight it was too hot to sit outside during Middle Boy's therapy.  That is what we usually do if it is nice out.  Younger Boy and I sit outside and either chat, read, or play games on our phones.  Just depends on the evening.

Way too hot tonight so we made a quick trip to Walmart and then went and sat in the waiting room at Therapist L's office.

When Middle Boy's therapy was over she asked if I could come in and chat for a minute.  Absolutely although I know it is NEVER good when someone like that wants to "chat".

She wondered about us moving.  She had planned a public service day for the boys in her group therapy program.  They were going to be working at a booth in our city's "Stop the Violence" day.  How I wish he could do this, but we actually are scheduled to move that day.

I think she thought it was just an excuse.  I'm thankful he was telling the truth.

I am still thinking he might be able to help them out for a couple of hours since it is an all day event.  I think it is important for him to see how violence has affected lives.  It has absolutely affected his in the past.

Prayers for a solution and praises for telling the truth.
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