I am not sure how the topic came up on the way home, but we got started talking about cow tipping and snipe hunting.  Middle Boy had heard of both and knew they were NOT real things.

Younger Boy is convinced they are real and is calling everyone he knows to see if they would take him.  I told him I don't have the energy for either and I am no where near strong enough to tip a cow.

Middle Boy offered him one million dollars if he is able to catch a snipe.  He told him they are really fast and disappear so quickly that very few people have ever been able to catch them.

Younger Boy is all in.  I think Dad J is going to take him and Older Boy.  They were making plans.

All Middle Boy can say is "WOW".

It was good to laugh as a family.  We don't do it nearly often enough.

Praises for laughter.
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