Here's my situation...the more I think about it the angrier I get.

I received news from my foster care agency today that our state wanted me to relinquish my license, because I adopted Middle Boy.  If I choose to not relinquish the license they will revoke it.

Here is the clause they are using in their regulations "If anyone over the age of 18 living in the home has been convicted of assault you cannot have a license." 

Middle Boy was charged with assault and the charges were dropped AND he is 15 not 18.

To continue they said had he remained a ward of the state my license would have been renewed and I could continue to take placements.

His background check came back CLEAN.  The only reason they know he was charged with assault is because it happened when he was A WARD OF THE STATE.

My agency, two other agencies, Voices for Children, and CASA are protesting the ruling.  Partially because I am one of LESS THAN TWENTY families in the state willing to take teenage boys and to even consider permanency, but more importantly because I am a good foster parent.  Because I actually care about the kids in my home and want them to have stability and a better life.

I guess none of that matters.
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