Younger Boy had therapy today.

We talked about a lot of things, but the main topic of discussion was whether or not he trusts me.  His behavior would indicate he has not yet formed an attachment with me.

He told Therapist C that sometimes when I ask him to do things he thinks I:
  1. Am being mean.
  2. Don't understand him.
  3. Don't care about him.
  4. Don't know what is best for him.
All of these are reactive attachment thoughts when you can't trust your caregiver.  These come out at times like when I am asking him to shower and he doesn't want to.  When I want him to do homework.

He cognitively knows what I am asking is the right thing to do, but his "tricky" brain takes over and he can't even think straight.  He admitted to Therapist C after I ask him to take a shower he doesn't hear a single word I say.  Again...thinking with "tricky" brain.

We did EMDR with Therapist D to make a "mental movie" about what shower time should be like.  She put the responsibility back on him to start the process at 8PM, because he is getting bigger and needs to use his "twelve year old brain" to get himself in the shower on time.

Praises for therapy.  I continue to learn a lot about Younger Boy and how the mind works.

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