Stress completely exhausts me and demotivates me after it reaches a certain level.

Ladies and Gentlemen...we have hit that level.

I am completely wiped out.

All I keep telling myself is...just get to September 23...there is NOTHING planned after September 23.

That seems like a long time from now.  All I want to do is sleep.
1 Response
  1. DeeDee Says:

    I feel exactly the same way when it comes to that level of stress. It will send me into a downhill out of control spiral that takes days to return from. It also sends the boys into 100% dysregulated state of mind that never ends well for any of us. I am working so hard to learn how to prevent this from happening; see the signs & not ignore them because there is “so much to do & I have to do it”; and the biggest one is learn to ask for help. I do not ask for help very well if at all…I am strong & independent why do I need help thinking…that can also make a person so weak.

    Know that you are not alone, someone else knows how you feel, you can do it and it will be OK.

    Thinking of you!

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